Light Communication System

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RotoAccess Company Ltd is a 100% foreign owned company that offers you a complete range of advance lifting and material handling solution to many different industries.


We are committed to provide you with our complete solution and service that will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your business.

Light Communication System

Light Communication System

Dock Light Communication System Operates Safely & Efficiently


The Light Communication System is a unique, low-cost way to improve communication between truck drivers and your dock personnel. The simple red and green lights - instantly understood as "stop" and "go" - provide clear signals to dock workers inside and truck drivers outside, so your dock can operate more safely and efficiently.


  • 12 1/8" (308 mm) high x 6 3/16" (157 mm) wide x 2" (50 mm) deep (light cover projects3 5/8" (143 mm)).
  • Clearly visible green and red lights.
  • Black polypropylene housing.
  • Two 12-volt automotive bulbs.
  • Inside toggle switch manually changes lights between green and red.
  • Middle switch position provides "red-red" safety condition.
  • One inside and two outside caution signs.
  • UL Listed.


Optional LED Package

  • Extended bulb life.
  • Lower maintenance cost.
  • Cooler burning light system.
  • Less AMP draw.


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